NYCC 2017 (Artist Alley N28)

Monday, October 2, 2017

Gouache on illustration board, 19 × 25″.

It's almost here! The New York Comic Con begins this Thursday and I will, Odin willing, be there all 4 days. My commission list is beyond full, but I'll be happy to sign your books, prints, shields, and hammers. Autographs are free, but I'll be accepting donations for Hero Initiative.

Big news of the show (at least for me): Grey Matter Art will be debuting my limited edition print of The Sinister Sixteen. Privately commissioned in 2008(?) as a Sinister Six pin-up, I didn't start painting until 2013... and it just kept getting bigger. Now the officially licensed, limited edition print can be yours, just stop by booth 3064. (For those not going to NYCC, I will have artist proofs to sell online, but not for a while.)

Artist Alley N28 (I'll be here most of the time with Splash Page)

Grey Matter Art — Sinister Sixteen Signing
Thursday, 10/5
3:00 p.m.
Booth 3064

Marvel Signing
Friday, 10/6
10:00 a.m. -10:45 a.m.
Booth 1354

Valiant Signing
Booth 1635
Friday, 10/6

Grey Matter Art — *might have a second signing, if needed
Sunday 10/8
3:00 p.m.
Booth 3064

THE DEMOGORGON. 2017. Ink & watercolor on paper, 9 × 12″.

Lastly, this Stranger Things piece is my contribution to the St. Jude's Charity Auction. It could be yours (and you'd be helping a great cause). Details below.

Charity Auction
Saturday, 10/7
6:30 p.m.
Room 1A18


  1. Holy cow, that Sinister 16 print is amazing!

    Love the whole thing but two things in particular caught my eye:

    1. Love how you solved the problem of keeping Electro's classic look despite modern concerns that the yellow face mask is too corny: Make the bolts part of his electrical aura! Are you the first to come up with this (awesome & elegant) solution?

    2. Is that a red MJ wig the Chameleon has just removed? And how long did he have to diet to fit into MJ's snug black tank top? Heh heh, got to respect a villain willing to go that extra mile to get the details right.

    1. Thanks! And yes, that's most definitely Chameleon, master of disguise!

  2. What is an Artist Proof? If it means I could eventually have this in my wall I'm interested haha. Love your work, Paolo!

    - The annoying guy from Twitter and Instagram.

    1. Yeah, those are just prints that I'll be selling myself, later on. Thanks!

  3. If drying time or scanning issues don't matter what would you rather paint in Gouache or Oils? Awesome work as always!

    1. Oh, sorry — didn't see this comment. Gouache still wins for health reasons. If that weren't an issue... maaaaaaybe. Their main advantage is that they dry the same color as applied, which is gouache's only disadvantage (at least for me).

  4. Thoughts on oils ? Awesome work as always !

  5. Replies
    1. My thoughts? Used to do it. Not a good medium for comics, though. I'm more into water-based media now.


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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.