Boston 2012 Commissions — Dr. Doom

Friday, August 31, 2012

Dr. Doom. 2012. Watercolor on paper, 9 × 12″.

This week marked Jack Kirby's 95th birthday, so I thought I'd share a few Kirby-inspired portraits. The Hulk was for the Hero Initiative's Wake Up and Draw event (I'll announce it on my blog when it's available for auction). I'll be teaming with them again for the The Walking Dead 100 Covers Project. Time to get my zombie on.

September starts tomorrow, which means the Baltimore Comic Con is just one week away. Time to prepare. In the meantime, have a great weekend and watch out for cosmic rays.


  1. Hi Sorry to be off topic, but is the Halloween competition still on? I can't find the post is the deadline the end of September? I have an idea and some preliminary sketches but I now need to organise a model before I submit. Cheers Nick

  2. Ah, I've just seen it! Here's the link and I've got two months to sort the pics. Cheers Nick

  3. Sweet Victor Von Doom! Walking Dead is an awesome book and the show is reaaly good as well. Looking forward to seeing your take on Rick and the gang.

    1. Yeah, I'm pretty excited about tackling it. Might even go for a painted piece if I have time. I started with the show, but just recently bought the entire run on Comixology.


Copyright © 2025 The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.