Daredevil #1 (Again)

Monday, December 16, 2013

Ink(ed by Joe Rivera) on bristol board, 11 × 17″.

You may have seen this posted on Twitter last week, but I figured now was a good time to add it to the blog. I actually had the rough idea for this quite a while ago (we're talking 2004-ish) but I just never got around to putting it to paper. When I was asked to contribute a variant cover for the relaunch of the series, I felt the time had finally come.

The background was done digitally, but I had my Dad refine it in the inks. I'll show the step-by-step process (along with the "wacky" reference) when it comes out next year.

Speaking of next year, I'll be in Amsterdam next February. If there happen to be any stores there that would like to host a signing, just let me know and hopefully I can fit it into my schedule.

Lastly, I'm almost ready to start selling my Lord of the Rings prints. The cost will be $100 plus shipping. I have about 20 to sell, and the first 5 will go up tomorrow (Tuesday). These will be open to US customers only, but if everything goes smoothly, I'll expand it to international orders. Thanks!

original inks by my Dad


  1. This looks amazing! This cover and the other Daredevil no. 1 cover that you did are easily my favorite DD images ever.

    1. Thanks so much, Eric! Hopefully, you'll like the one I'm working on now…

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Agreed, Eric. Both of those are my favorites as well. History will look back very fondly on Mr. Rivera as one of the top comic cover artists of all time.

    4. Much appreciated. The cover I'm working on now gives a tip of the hat to my many amazing predecessors.


Copyright © 2025 The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.