Iron Man 3 — A Complete Novel

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Iron Man Three. 2013.
Gouache, watercolor, and acrylic (and digital) on bristol board, 22 × 17″.

I saw Iron Man 3 last night and it was all-around awesomeness. That being said, there's nothing that can prepare you for Ben Kingsley's Mandarin — quite possibly my favorite Marvel villain now. Oh, and Robert Downey, Jr. showed up to introduce the movie. Joe Quesada usually introduces the Marvel movies, often pretending that one of the stars is going to make an appearance, only to have our hopes dashed as another editor shows up in a wig. But this time he did it. Iron Man himself was there.

And if everything went according to plan, Iron Man got one of these, an extremely limited edition poster made especially for the cast and crew, much like the one I did for Captain America. They asked for something like a paperback novel, complete with wear and tear, which makes perfect sense once you see the end credits.

This was definitely one of my dream jobs, but it meant even more to me since it's based on my very first cover for Marvel, Iron Man #63. Tony's armory bears a striking resemblance to the one I depicted back in 2002, and I was nerding out in the theater. I hope you'll do the same.


  1. Fabulous cover, Paulo, it!

  2. acojonante! un trabajo espectacular!!

  3. I saw the movie last friday and WAOOOO!! Is the best of three Iron Man films, in my opinion. Robert Downey Jr. and the rest of the cast are really,really fantastics!!
    Avengers (off course ) en Iron Man 3, are my favorites Marvel movies.
    And what I could say about your wonderful poster? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, powerful and truly original; congratulations Paolo!!

  4. I feel like I've been neglecting this blog (and just blogs in general), but every time I come back... Solid Gold! Congrats on the very cool gig. It came out great and looks like it was a blast to do. Keep it up sir! Too bad I didn't do any promo art for THIS movie, sounds like this would have been an awesome screening to attend! :-)

  5. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! Spectacular poster art. The title font reminds me more of a 60s spy movie than 40s pulp, but it's still solid gold. Congratulations!

    1. We based it mainly on the 60s paperback covers by Robert McGinnis. I'm a huge fan of his work, and it turned out the producer was as well.

  6. Any plans to make this into a print?

  7. Paolo, I love this so hard. SO HARD. I NEED a print. Please make it happen. PLEASE.

  8. \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/

    As we used to say here: VOCÊ BROCA!! (You rock!)

    1. I have a HUGE respect for painters...and you´re one of the best nowadays!
      Congrats again, man!

  9. Thanks so much, everybody! No plans to make this into a print anytime soon — I'm afraid they mean it when they say "limited edition."

  10. I'm hoping to see your process on this piece. It's great!

    1. Thanks! I'll definitely do another post on it (if not several). I'm gonna milk it for all it's worth.

  11. Fantastic as always, Mr. Rivera! Beautiful painting!

  12. Can you modify it a little so you can sell prints? I guess that this specific work could not ver be sold, please let us know!!!

    1. I'm afraid not. They're pretty strict about this kind of stuff... and I certainly wouldn't want to bar myself from doing more work like this in the future. If Captain America was any indication, it may show up in "Art of" book eventually.

  13. Oh man! Johnny Gossamer Iron Man!

  14. Great likenesses Paolo. A job well done!

  15. The move was a little bit of a let down in my opinion but still entertaining.


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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.